Instagram, a popular social media platform in current times, has become a significant entertainment and sharing app, whether it’s your day-to-day life activity or you share a special memory. Instagramming a moment has become very important in everyone’s life. With so much happening around you, Instagram also has become a hub for stalking people and getting to know more about them.
Stalking on Instagram is very significant whether it’s light-hearted or not; the act of Stalking on Instagram suggests increasing curiosity related to an individual and more.
An Instagram stalker is regarded as someone who does not follow the other person but is more likely to visit your profile repeatedly. When it comes to stalking, it’s difficult to tell whether someone is actually stalking your profile or just seeing your profile. While Instagram is all developed and sophisticated, it still lacks a system that enables you to know if someone is stalking you.
Why Do People Stalk?
While there is no one reason we can name, there could be millions of reasons. One most common could be out of curiosity. People often check your stories, the story’s highlights, content, and more. Public stalking becomes much easier as they have access to your profile; on the other hand, stalking is difficult with a private profile.
Stalking, as said earlier, has become much easier and more prevalent. We all have stalked someone or other in our day-to-day life, whether it is a celebrity or someone you knew but don’t speak now. When you check someone’s profile, and you have been doing it for a while, and you suddenly have received a follow request from that person, does that mean, “When you stalk someone on Instagram, you are suggested?” While the question is intriguing, there are many questions which we need to take into consideration.
Stalking someone on Instagram is similar to learning personal information about them but without their knowledge or consent. Sometimes people cross this fine boundary and use fake accounts to stalk someone and keep tabs on people. However, a fine line needs to be observed, and one must consider how stalking is unethical on social media platforms.
How Does The Instagram Algorithm Work?
Whether it is Instagram or TikTok, all these social media platforms work on algorithms to create more social media platforms. Algorithms are sophisticated systems that Instagram uses to know what type of content you like and what you would like to see on the platform. To create a more user-friendly experience on the platform.
There are various things Instagram considers when it recommends you a follower or person you may know. These recommendations are made through a systematic KNN approach and are known to rate and recommend. While the algorithm is complex, certain factors affect the suggestion list and recommendations.
- The amount of time you have spent on Instagram.
- Whether you watch more reels or IGTv.
- User activity, the profiles you have visited, the type of post, and related media you have liked, viewed, and ignored.
These are the most common considerations before Instagram makes any suggestions.
How Does Instagram Make A Suggestion List?
While Instagram makes a suggestion list of people, there are certain things it considers. When you have sent a follow request to someone, you might have seen specific profiles which appear below the person’s profile. This also happens when you constantly search for someone, and they suddenly appear in your suggestion list.
Linked Social media
Instagram is linked with Facebook, and there is a high probability that you will see people in the suggestion list who you are friends with On Facebook but not on Instagram. The vice versa is also true if you are friends with someone on Instagram but not on Facebook; you will be on each other’s recommended list.
Instagram allows you to link your phone contacts to the app. If you have linked the contact list and do not follow someone in your contact list, you will likely see their name or username in the suggestion list.
Algorithms use Hashtags not only to recommend the type of content you would like but also uses it to connect with people who share similar interests. If you and someone who shares similar interests as you are more likely to be visible on each other’s recommendation list.
Search History
Search history also plays a crucial role in suggesting followers. If you have searched for someone you have searched constantly, they are also more likely to appear on your list.
These are the most common things which are considered while creating a recommendation list or a follower suggestion list on Instagram.
Does A Friend Suggestion Mean That Person Has Stalked My Profile?
If you have received a person you know on your suggestion list, does that mean that person has stalked you? The answer is sadly No. It doesn’t always translate that the person has searched for your profile or looked.
If someone appears to you, you may know a list of suggestions that means there’s something familiar between the two of you. The algorithm suggested you based on mutual and shared interests. These are a few reasons why Instagram would suggest you, someone.
Instagram cannot tell whether someone has stalked you or your profile. This makes it inefficient to tell whether the suggested person has checked your profile.
With A Business Instagram Profile, Will They Know If I Have Stalked Them?
If you think a business account will have some additional feature to help, you tell whether someone has stalked you.
Even with an Instagram business, you will not be able to tell whether someone has stalked you or not. One of the reasons this feature is not available Is to make the Platform a bit anonymous. Few social media platforms allow you to know who has viewed your profile, like Linked In and more.
If you have an open account, you can always post a story and check who has viewed your story. From that, you will know who has liked or viewed your story. People who have constantly considered your account will appear at the top.
Suppose you have someone who has texted you in the messenger using the request message feature. If the message is disrespectful, you can block them and not be in contact. As much freedom they have to comment, you equally have the freedom to block. You don’t have to be polite and keep tolerating them.
While there are certain things you can do to keep your profile away from stalkers.
- Block spam accounts and people who message you. If you are not using your Instagram for business purposes, you can keep your account private.
- If any accounts seem fake, do not accept their follow request.
- If you are somewhere out, do not post pictures instantly, maybe wait for a few hours and then post.
Stalking on Instagram is prevalent, and one’s safety is in one’s hands. Make sure you keep your account private and post your content with some time delay.